Explore The Bible

Explore The Bible Study: Warns

9:43 AM
John Maxwell once said that, “There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.” LifeWay's Explore the Bible Study: Warns, focuses on the destructive power of selfish pride. We should be able to determine whether selfish pride is evident in our...


Explore The Bible

Explore The Bible Study: Judges

2:58 PM
 Imagine you worked so hard to give a special gift to someone, only to have them complain about the gift. Or maybe you discover it was discarded. Or perhaps the person forgot you gave it to them! How would you feel? Would it change your relationship with that person? God is the greatest gift-giver yet we will discover in this weeks Explore The...


Explore The Bible

Explore The Bible Study: Saves

10:30 AM
Do you believe many express a false hope because they feel safe and protected by living in the United States? While those of us who live in the United States do enjoy the blessing of usually feeling safe and secure, if we profess Christ, we know that hope for ultimate safety and security rests solely in Christ. Ezekiel 11, the focus of the...


Explore The Bible

Explore The Bible Study: Commissioned

7:02 PM
Do any of you remember the commercial from several years ago that showed a husband and wife getting ready to go out? The wife has a new outfit on; she is standing in front of a mirror; and she turns to her husband and asks, “Honey, does this dress make me look fat?” We are left wondering how the husband would respond! Does...


Explore The Bible

Explore the Bible Study: Restoration

7:11 PM
Think about a time when you were asked to forgive an offense.  What is the hardest thing about forgiving someone? Based on what we are seeing in today's headlines, we probably need to understand the importance of giving and seeking forgiveness a little more than we do. The Explore The Bible Study: Restoration, is going to focus on this subject as it examines Philemon...


Explore The Bible

Explore the Bible Study: The Gospel and Relationships

4:43 PM
Submit, Love, Obey, Serve, Pray, Act Wisely. How are these actions viewed by society today? Which actions are probably perceived in the most negative way? Which is the most misunderstood action? All these actions have to do with healthy relationships as a result of knowing Christ. We relate to one another differently as families, friends, workers, and yes, even strangers, because of the...


Explore The Bible

Explore the Bible Study: The Gospel Lived

12:15 PM
What steps do you take if you desire to . . . lose weight, buy a house, or plan for retirement? All life-decisions such as these require us to make adjustments and lifestyle changes. This is equally true when one receives Christ. Changes are to take place in one's life because he has been changed by Christ! This is the focus of the...


Explore The Bible

Explore the Bible Study: The Gospel's Freedom

2:01 PM
As we approach Veterans Day, we sometimes forget the vets who endured captivity as Prisoners of War, especially during the Vietnam War. It’s hard for us to imagine what this kind of captivity is like. It’s equally hard to understand the adjustments one would have to make once released from captivity. Imagine how this compares to being set free from the condemnation of...


Explore The Bible

Explore the Bible Study: The Gospel's Forgiveness

12:00 PM
What Scripture do you base that belief upon? This is a question I heard asked to someone recently while on a tour of a church in Greece. The individual had just finished explaining why her faith placed Mary, the mother of Jesus, in such a saintly and almost deified position in their belief system. Her response was that they based this on the...


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