Explore The Bible Study: Jesus Saves

12:29 PM

Have you heard about the Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska? It was a bridge that was never completed because of cost. It goes nowhere! There are people today who are building spiritual bridges to nowhere. They continually seek to access God through choices of their own or vain philosophies or religions that claim that theirs is the bridge they should take. Sadly, when they begin to cross, they discover the bridge leads to nowhere. This week's Explore The Bible Study: Jesus Saves, explores a bridge that was completed and leads to somewhere!

The bridge Jesus built was not a bridge to nowhere; neither was it a bridge to just anywhere.
  • The bridge Jesus built was a bridge to somewhere, a specific destination, and was built with one specific purpose. 
  • Jesus was the ONLY One who could build that bridge, and it is the ONLY bridge that gives us access to a relationship with God and the promise of eternal life with Him.
  • Jesus stated very clearly, “Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you know Me, you will also know My Father.” (John 14:6-7 CSB)
Video Option
The Downloadable teaching helps build the study of Mark 15:21-39 around the idea of Jesus being the One who built a bridge to God for us. You might want to consider closing by using the following video:

As you celebrate Easter with your group this week, you are going to look at a bridge that has a destination, a specific destination. It was built for a specific purpose. It was built by the Master Builder - Jesus!

Happy Easter!


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