
Explore The Bible Study: Jesus Restores

9:06 AM

When we experience death of loved ones, do we believe that Jesus has power over all things, even death? What does it mean that Jesus has power over death? How can this help us understand that Jesus (God) is Able? LifeWay's Explore the Bible Study: Jesus Restores, helps us understand that Jesus is Able. It is an exciting study of Mark 5:21-43 that you will love studying and guiding your group to study.

You have a great opportunity to help people evaluate what they really believe about Jesus as you guide this study. Consider using the following as you prepare. This and additional helps are available in the Downloadable Supplemental Teaching Ideas.

Image of the Sea of Galilee
Consider using the following image as you describe the context of the events in Mark 5.

Background Study
  • The following sermon from Alistair Begg can help you gain additional perspective on this passage. CLICK TO LISTEN/VIEW
  • 9 Ways to Show Faith in Jesus. CLICK TO READ
Ideas for Guiding Discussion
Use the following ideas to supplement your study. You can get the complete list by downloading the Additional Teaching Ideas.

Opening Discussion
  • Is Jesus able to do anything? Do people really believe this?
  • Describe circumstances that might lead people to doubt that Jesus (God) is able to do anything?
For Mark 5:21-24
  • Why do some only seek or embrace Jesus when they have a problem? What do they expect from Jesus when they face a crisis?
For Mark 5:35-40
  • If you had been Jairus and you were told it was too late, your daughter was dead, how would you have responded to Jesus? Who would you blame? 
  • This is what they knew about Jesus at this point: He was a wandering prophet with peculiar teachings and powers. Based on their limited knowledge, can you blame them for basically saying, “never-mind; it’s too late”?
  • How can the group's response to Jesus help you understand what people expect from Jesus today? What can you do to help them understand that He is more than just a prophet, a teacher, or a worker of miracles?
  • How can you apply Jesus’ words, “Do  not be afraid, only believe,” to your current life situation?
  • Is your faith in Jesus strong enough to  continue to trust Him, even when delays result in the situation moving from difficult to virtually impossible?
Evaluation Questions
  • Do you come to Jesus when you or someone else is experiencing a health problem? What is your expectation?
  • Do you come to Jesus when you or someone else is experiencing a difficult situation? What is your expectation?
  • Do you come to Jesus when someone is spiritually dead? What is your expectation? Do you believe that Jesus can really give new life to any person who is “dead in their trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1)?
  • Do you really believe a person without Christ is already spiritually dead and eternally condemned unless they receive life through Christ? If you believe this, how do you demonstrate that you believe that their only hope is Jesus?

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